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Friday, July 26, 2013

With A Little Help From My Friends...

And Family. =)
Just a quickie to Thank Everyone for all the awesome well wishes & congratz & Likes on Facebook & stuff to help me celebrate my Four Years of cancer Freeness! (Yes I know the c-word isn't capitalized like the words surrounding it.  I try to never capitalize it.  I just don't do it.)
Anyway, just as all of your love & support, comments & Likes & stuff absolutely helped pull me through treatment, it still SO lifts my spirits to see all the Likes & comments & support from friends & family. Thanks to technology & social media, it's the next best thing to celebrating together! Right? Y'all are all so awesome & we love ya!  
Ok, so it was a pretty fun day.  We went & ate great Thai food at our fave Thai joint & then went to see the scary movie "The Conjuring".  It was just a great, fun, scary movie. Had some good creepiness.  And I ate too much popcorn.  (Either that, or my scale is absolutely malfunctioning, cause HFS it says I've gained weight like crazy this week.) And then we just messed around town here & there, havin fun. YAY!

Oh hi hot flash. Whew!
And O snapped a quick pic of me to commemorate the cancerversary.  And I was right in mid-hot flash.  So, here's what I look like havin a hot flash. I'm all like, "Oh Hi hot flash. Go eff yerself!"



Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Blessed And Lucky

Four Years.  Four years today.  Today marks the day that I've been cancer free for FOUR years.  Four.  Four years of cancer freeness.  (Hey, "freeness" is actually a word.  HA!)

Gonna go out & have fun today.  I totally schedule it off like a holiday.  Mostly.  Well, ok, some work in the morning, but this afternoon is gonna be about fun.  Fun. For. Me. 

Hopefully my bc freeness trend will continue for years to come.  Not all who have to do the bc thing are as lucky.  And I do want to take a moment to remind folks that there's nothing "pretty in pink" about havin breast cancer.  (Will have some thoughts on this & other blogs to share about the subject in near future posts.)

My friend M & I have been talkin quite a bit lately about how "everything happens for a reason".  She even added to it that maybe when things happen, they happen for someone else's reason & not necessarily your own.  Yeah, ok...I can see that. Kinda... 

Anyway....I think I've finally given up tryin to understand the what, why, "for a reason".... I'm just glad to be here still.  And maybe, just maybe, (hopefully) years & years from now, I'll know how it was meant to be.

Yep...These Are The Days......

*I'll probably (hopefully) be back later to share what funness we had on my anniversary.*

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

The Thrill That'll Getcha...

"Now it's all decided to blow our minds...."

Wow.  Really Rolling Stone?  You seriously are gonna put the accused Boston bomber on the cover? Holy shit.

 Hunter Thompson is rolling in his grave.  He must be.

So, I'm personally not a good enough artist to get my picture on the Cover Of The Rolling Stone....but maybe if I commit a heinous enough crime? Maybe?

Wow.  What the fuck kind of message are you sending?  And pleeeeeeeeeease people...pleeeeease don't start in with "it's not his fault...he's a victim" bullshit.

It's bullshit.

He's old enough to know better. 

OMG I'm so disappointed in Rolling Stone.  Not gonna say that I'll never buy or read it again....cause I really have not been all that regular of a reader of the mag.  But just holy fucktacular shit Batman!!  Somebody's def takin all kinds of pills over there.

And I'm not gonna share a picture of the stupid ass cover either.  Nope. 
Not doin it.

But yeah, way to go Rolling Stone.  Just go on ahead & glorify terrorism. 

Fuck you.

"The Cover Of The Rolling Stone" -Dr Hook

Friday, July 5, 2013

I'm Still Standing....

June 2009. About a week before D-Day.
Four years ago this week.  On June 30th actually. My whole world changed.  I got the phone call that the pathology was in from the biopsy & it was positive for breast cancer. 

I can't believe four years have passed.  I don't even really have a whole lot to say about it, but I just feel the need to remember it & several other days that have to do with it.  D-Day...NED day...first & last chemo days....head shave day...

Why?  Why do I mark these days on the calendar year after year?  Only thing I can think of is that having to go through the bc bs is hard. 
Damn hard.  And once you've had it, things are never, ever the same again. 

I'm pretty sure O hopes there will someday be a time when I'm totally & finally done with all the cancer stuff.  So do I.  But I really don't think you're ever totally just DONE with it, once you've had it.  I do know that it isn't so much the I no longer eat, sleep, breathe, walk & talk cancer 24/7 like I once did.  But it's always there...looming.  Like a dark cloud that just can't wait to strike like lightning....every single time I have the slightest ache or pain...or spot...or pimple...or pretty much anything.  And pleeeeeease don't mention any symptom of anything at all to me.  Ever.  *Furrows brow in the direction of Dr's V, W & C & even F*  Cause remember, I truly am THE Master of Psychosomatics. Yeah.

Eh, anyway....Four years later.  And I'm Still Standing. 

Yeah, yeah, yeah.