And also this one, which is pretty much the same, but with those Pink words added.
(WARNING: Full on RANT about to commence)
Seriously?? Even though the thought of "No Bra Day" is sooooo offensive on it's own to soooooooo many of us who have been through it & to those who continue to live with bc....October 13? The Official METASTATIC bREAST cANCER AWARENESS DAY???? And people want to seriously make this a "no bra day"? To "Support breast cancer" ?? (Remember, I never capitalize those words....). I dunno about you, but I sure as hell have ZERO interest in supporting fucking bc. How bout let's support some research for the CURE for bc, or the prevention of bc and cancer OF ALL KINDS!
The last thing I want to do is walk around without my damn bra on so the whole world can see that I now have a breast & a nipple is now waaaaaay up here & the other is waaaaaaaay down there....or showcase that I do still have some breasts when so many others had to sacrifice theirs so that they might live. Come on now people!!
Copacetic? 'Fraid not.