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Monday, September 23, 2013

It's In The Way That You Use It....

Social Media...Technology....Internet....Blogs...

They can all be really awesome, wonderful things.  They can also be terrible, shitty things.  It's in the way that you use it.  

I've experienced both. I like to use them for good, positive & information stuff. Like let y'all know that I survived the mammo.  All clear.  This knowledge should make me a little less stressy when I go see Dr's W & V at the end of this week. We'll see.  Or I can totally disregard this knowlege since the 2009 mammo missed the stage 3 bc, & be a typical, total freak. Right now I'm feeling pretty calm & confident. It comes & it goes.

And the Fall Candy is in the house, so, just in time for the Autumnal Equinox, the fabulous fall season is officially in full swing.  Yay!


Thanks for checking in on us.  Will let ya know how the last two appointments of the Autumn Oncology Tour go.



Cancer Curmudgeon said...

MMM, Halloween canc=dy!
Could you point me to some of your posts about your initial diagnosis, how a mammogram missed your stage 3 cancer? I had a similar situation and am looking into it, so I can have more trust in mammography in the future, so this does not happen to me again.

LunaTechChick said...

Hi CC! I will look & email you some, although I didn't start blogging until after my first chemo. But in a nutshell, I found my lump in the shower, took it to a digital mammogram the next day, didn't say anything about the lump, got a letter in the mail that said the mammo was normal. Sonogram led to biopsy led to surgery led to reincision led to chemo led to radiation. Thanks so much for checking out my blog & commenting! xx

Sandra Davis said...

Hey, I would like to know if the equipment missed it--or if the person reading it missed it. Is it possible to ask them to look back at the film? I really hadn't thought about that until readying the post from CC. Love, Mom

LunaTechChick said...

Mom, neither I think. It's now pretty common knowledge that if you have dense breast tissue, it is recommended that you get additional screening, like ultrasound. Here it's now a law that you are notified with your mammo results if you have dense breasts so you can get that screening. This mammo was read by a v good doc & looked at by several more who all agree...My breasts were v dense at the time. There was no finding this thing. And possibly at the time of that mammo, might not have been stage 3 - remember I let it ride about a month based on the letter that the mammo was normal. That wouldn't happen today with the new law.

LunaTechChick said...

Forgot to add...i know a month doesn't sound like a long time, but HER2+ bc is a v fast moving, aggressive piece of shit.

LunaTechChick said...

One more thing...fault really lies with ME. I'm the dumbass who didn't open my mouth & say that I feel a lump. Not knowing that there are Diagmostic Mammos & Regular Screening Mammos, & that results are delivered differently didn't help. I thought I was gonna see the doc right after, not get told that a letter would be coming. So yeah, had I opened my mouth, prob woulda gotten the sonogram right then & there. But woulda shoulda coulda at this point. Right? Ok, i think that is all. .

Paula said...

I never felt my lump, my Ob/GYN did. He asked me if I had noticed it and I had not. So he said come back after your normal cycle and we will check it then. I realize now that I did not have to go back and had I not I would be dead. I went back in about 6 weeks and it was still there. Had a mammogram and needle biopsy and there it was. It was also in 4 of 20 lymph nodes. But hey. 24 years later and I am still kicking. :)

Kim White said...

Thanks for this! I don't know if it's common knowledge that if you have dense breasts you should get an additional screening, or if it is, I didn't know. Is this every time? I ask because on my first mammo, they had me come back for a recheck... because of dense breast tissue. I haven't had 2 tests like that since, though.


LunaTechChick said...

Kim, wow, guess it's not common knowledge...but it should be. Several states have passed that law about notification of it. Also, sometimes after the first mammo, you get called back cause they have no baseline to compare to. But glad you got called back due to the dense thing.

The Mary Janes...haven't these lovely black & orange wrapped things been around forever? I remember I used to hate getting them in my bag when trick or treating. Now I love them & must have them every Fall. Thanks for reading & commenting here! xx

LunaTechChick said...

Paula, it still amazes me how identical our stories are. My doc also told me see about it after a period. And I also had 4 nodes positive. And your 24 years is so awesome & inspires me every day. xx

Cancer Curmudgeon said...

Hi Luna and Mom, Just now getting back to look at comments on this topic. In my case, it seems to be human error. I'm looking into it.

LunaTechChick said...

Hi CC...OMG, seriously?! Def need to get to the bottom of that. What can even be done about it now?