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Sunday, November 4, 2012

It's The Final Countdown...

Election 2012 is in the final hours.  We're gonna know who will be the next POTUS this week.  And either way it goes, I have a feeling it won't be the end of the utter & complete bullshit I'm seeing all over the intergoogles. And we're seeing our freinds, family, other people we know, or thought we knew, in a whole different light. Thanks to social media like Facebook & Twitter, we are learning so much more about each other. Especially in the last few months of this Election Year.  I'm hearing of people unfriending people on Facebook cause they post political views & opinions that differ from theirs.  Blockin people on Twitter.  Gettin into all out Facebook fights.  There was even a story on CNN about it.

And is somebody else's Facebook Profile Page really the place to have your Political Rant/Tantrum? Most of the time I will refrain from posting anything on my Facebook or Twitter that indicates which way I lean politically.  I also don't get into religious discussions on social media.  Occasionally I will share a humorous post or picture that has to do with politics.  But it's because I think it's funny.  Like this humorous riff on Dr Seuss' Green Eggs & Ham.  Or these others that I'm sure both candidates would find pretty damn funny.
So let's stop with all the asshattery.  Let's use a little social media etiquette, shall we?  I will not delete anyone from my Facebook over political posts (on my page or their own)...or religious posts...or foul language...(I mean, why the fuck would I fuckin do that?) That's just not my way. I'll just come over here & bitch blog about it.  Cool?
*steps down off soapbox*

Witch-ay woman
Ok, so hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! We went to have some fajitas & then came home & handed out candy.  I did not dress up, but did wear a hat.  

And here we are in November.  Time for the annual "turkey anxiety". =)


Paula said...

I "unfriended" one person because she was posting 6 or 8 times a day about the election. And when I pointed out that one of the cartoons was just a little untrue she went off like a cannon trying to educate me. I replied that she needed the educating since the cartoon WAS wrong. She just kept digging that hole so I dumped her. She was not a friend, she was a FarmTown friend of a friend and I didn't realize how crazy she was until the election. I did however know that she got a little crazed over some things so I guess it's good she is gone. I don't play FarmTown anymore so I didn't need her to harvest my crops. LOL

LunaTechChick said...

Yeah, I think I remember that from OW...I'd unfriend somebody like that too...I do wish people would research the validity of some of these photos circulating.

Paula said...

She did not come from OW, thank goodness. I would still have had to dump her. I don't mind some posts as long as it's not so many. It really makes it hard to check up on your own page. I have another old high school friend who posts all those puppy/flowers/love and Jesus posts and she does at least 2 a day. She acts like we were and still are the very best buddies when in reality we were not friends in high school. She was a sheltered country kid and I was a wild town kid. LOL She may have to go too. She sends me those emails too. :(

LunaTechChick said...

I meant, I remembered you tellin the OWs about that person lol! Yeah, I have a few on my FB like your hs friend...

Paula said...

Oh yeah I did come on OW bitching didn't I? That's what I do best there. I've never been a heart and flowers person and sometimes I hate that. But when it comes to all those SWEET emails and posts I just don't get it. Especially when I get the ones about how wonderful I am and what a great friend I have been from somebody I didn't talk to for 40 years. We actually talked to each other at the last reunion about 4 years ago and she was still boring and weird. I'm sorry. Now I'm here bitching. My husband at one low point in our marriage told me I was a "cold hearted bitch" assuming that I was going to make changes after that revelation. I said "Yes I am" and we were done with that conversation. LOL I'll go now.

LunaTechChick said...

LOL Paula! You. Are. Awesome. xx