And is somebody else's Facebook Profile Page really the place to have your Political Rant/Tantrum? Most of the time I will refrain from posting anything on my Facebook or Twitter that indicates which way I lean politically. I also don't get into religious discussions on social media. Occasionally I will share a humorous post or picture that has to do with politics. But it's because I think it's funny. Like this humorous riff on Dr Seuss' Green Eggs & Ham. Or these others that I'm sure both candidates would find pretty damn funny.
So let's stop with all the asshattery. Let's use a little social media etiquette, shall we? I will not delete anyone from my Facebook over political posts (on my page or their own)...or religious posts...or foul language...(I mean, why the fuck would I fuckin do that?) That's just not my way. I'll just come over here & bitch blog about it. Cool?
*steps down off soapbox*
Ok, so hope everyone had a Happy Halloween! We went to have some fajitas & then came home & handed out candy. I did not dress up, but did wear a hat.
Witch-ay woman |
And here we are in November. Time for the annual "turkey anxiety". =)
I "unfriended" one person because she was posting 6 or 8 times a day about the election. And when I pointed out that one of the cartoons was just a little untrue she went off like a cannon trying to educate me. I replied that she needed the educating since the cartoon WAS wrong. She just kept digging that hole so I dumped her. She was not a friend, she was a FarmTown friend of a friend and I didn't realize how crazy she was until the election. I did however know that she got a little crazed over some things so I guess it's good she is gone. I don't play FarmTown anymore so I didn't need her to harvest my crops. LOL
Yeah, I think I remember that from OW...I'd unfriend somebody like that too...I do wish people would research the validity of some of these photos circulating.
She did not come from OW, thank goodness. I would still have had to dump her. I don't mind some posts as long as it's not so many. It really makes it hard to check up on your own page. I have another old high school friend who posts all those puppy/flowers/love and Jesus posts and she does at least 2 a day. She acts like we were and still are the very best buddies when in reality we were not friends in high school. She was a sheltered country kid and I was a wild town kid. LOL She may have to go too. She sends me those emails too. :(
I meant, I remembered you tellin the OWs about that person lol! Yeah, I have a few on my FB like your hs friend...
Oh yeah I did come on OW bitching didn't I? That's what I do best there. I've never been a heart and flowers person and sometimes I hate that. But when it comes to all those SWEET emails and posts I just don't get it. Especially when I get the ones about how wonderful I am and what a great friend I have been from somebody I didn't talk to for 40 years. We actually talked to each other at the last reunion about 4 years ago and she was still boring and weird. I'm sorry. Now I'm here bitching. My husband at one low point in our marriage told me I was a "cold hearted bitch" assuming that I was going to make changes after that revelation. I said "Yes I am" and we were done with that conversation. LOL I'll go now.
LOL Paula! You. Are. Awesome. xx
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